Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Foreign Flyers

Just as at any American campus, walking around Chinese University's campus involves some dodging. Not of balls, people. Of flyering.

As any Penn student can attest to, the incessant flyer on Locust Walk can at times be aggravating and at times uplifting (go young people in action!). But mostly aggravating--unless it's you doing the flyering.

The only difference at CUHK, for me atleast, is the number of flyers I get handed. 0!

Usually as I walk down a main stretch of campus I'll witness hundreds of other students being approached by flyer-hander-outers(?). But, as soon as I (and boy, do I stick out) arrive, actually somewhat eager to see the flyer, I get an eye-shakedown and subtle shake of the head. The previously extended flyer joins its companions in the stack. REJECTED.

Sometimes it's nice not to be hounded. But, mostly I feel left out. So, if anybody is reading this (hello!), and you are flyering on campus, I'll happily accept.


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