Friday, October 30, 2009

Window Shopping

I am a big fan of gazing out of windows. Planes, trains, or automobiles. I love it. Before you judge me for talking like a hopeless romantic/emo child, hear me out.

Sure, any Joe Shmoe with a window in front of his face will look out of it (I had to think if I was offending the blind readership of this blog..). It's an instinct to watch, observe, and think. Might seem trivial and maybe it really is. But, that's not the point.

Compare it to taking a long drive, or a warm shower, even reading a great book. It's just you, the window, and the scene. As you drive/fly/train(?) by, your thoughts come along for the ride.

Take for instance, the taxi ride from an airport to your accomodation. I'm a firm believer in first impressions (with a few exceptions), and my first window-trip in a city is a first encounter. I watch, I observe, I think, and I judge. Mostly, though, I'm overcome with excitement. Everything is new, and your mind goes in atleast four places. Jumping to conclusions, creating backstories, making comparison, affirming/shattering preconceived notions. You might be proven completely wrong int he coming days, but the experience is lasting.

I came to think of this while on a nightbus to Guilin. Think Harry Potter, just like that. Unable to sleep in my shelf of a bed, I watched China pass me by. I thought: this road is nice! China's doing well...Wow! Gas is expensive EVERYWHERE, that's something to find some solidarity in...why does everyone in China squat?

Anyways, trivial? For sure. Still exciting? Most definitely.

Gazer fo lyfe,

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